Thursday, July 11, 2013

Paperback is Out!

Okay, so I've been a very bad girl!  (Well, a very very busy girl, too.)  I did promise I'd have the paperback of Mail Order Regrets out last month, but there were some formatting issues that needed fixing first, and I never seemed to have the time to figure them out.  Of course, it turns out that all those problems were really just one problem, which I fixed.  I also had to redesign the cover to adjust for the formatting changes, but it's ready now!

Here's the link to buy it on Amazon.   It's not linked to the kindle version just yet, but it should be soon.  I wish I could have priced it lower, but Amazon/Createspace charges so much for printing, that I had to list it at that price to make the same amount as I make on the kindle version.  Sorry about that.  :-(   If it was up to me, it would be five bucks!  But then I'd owe Amazon around three buck per book every time one sold.  ;-) 

Want a sneak peek at the full paperback cover?  I knew you would! 

I can't wait to hold it in my hot little hands!!

If anyone wants to buy it on createspace, here's the link to that.   I don't expect many people will buy through createspace, since it doesn't appear to have the very slight discount Amazon gave it.  There's no benefit for anyone (except for me...I make a lot more, because Createspace pays a higher royalty than Amazon).  But it's there for you if you like buying on CS.  :-D

At the moment, you can't order it through a bookstore, because I think there's a fee I have to pay before Amazon will allow bookstores to order in the paperback.  I'm not sure if it's worth doing that, but I may do that in the future.  I assume most people will want to order it through Amazon, since it's cheaper.

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